Sunday, June 28, 2009

Who's Vicimizing Me Now?

Michael Jackson. Like it wasn't bad enough to have one black-and-white guy on every news channel for a year, now I have to put up with Jackson dying.

Get a clue, newspeople. He lived, he died, move on already. Stop living in the past. Like Jesus said to the Romans - "Stop crucifying me already!"

I don't know what agency is handling the publicity for Jackson's demise, but they're violating the first maxim of showbiz - build to a big finish. Look at how the death of Jesus was handled. Only a couple of Jews cared when he died and then the Church took a few details from his life, mixed them with some boilerplate mythology over the centuries and now Jesus is bigger than the Beatles.

This is why all good Americans hate you media maggots. You gorge on the wounds of the diseased and the corpses of the dead until there's nowhere to go but down. And you're in the bag for Obama.

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